Real stories. Real results.
These patients suffered for many years with their symptoms. Learn about their stories and see how Axonics Therapy helped them get their lives back.

Kathy A.
71 years old
“This therapy makes me feel young again because now I can do anything.”
Kathy had been suffering from overactive bladder (OAB) for many years. “The symptoms that I had were a need to urinate frequently, constantly. I even had some fecal incontinence, which was very unnerving.” OAB was interfering with her life, limiting Kathy from being able to do the things she wanted to do.
Kathy suffered with frequent OAB symptoms for many years. “The symptoms that I had were a need to urinate frequently, constantly.” She tried different treatment options, like a Kegel device and taking medications prescribed by her doctor. At first, she found that the medication was helping reduce her symptoms, “but I found that, after a while, it didn’t help as much.”
Living With OAB
Kathy always had to plan and be prepared to run to the nearest restroom once she felt the urge. “One of the things that I had to do to function was to plot out my day.” This involved carrying extra pads, always knowing where restrooms were located, and adjusting her fluid consumption to reduce the number of urges. “When I would go to the mall, I knew where every restroom was in every store. I even parked in a certain place because I knew the closest restroom into that entrance.”
The frequency of Kathy’s OAB symptoms made it difficult to cope with and she truly considered whether she was able to attend social outings, if she felt comfortable to travel, and to simply figure out how she could get through her workday. “I was a banker all my life, and my desk was a long way from the restroom, and I had to go to the restroom all the time. Rather than have the employees think that that’s what I was doing, I put some makeup in the bathroom, so they thought about every 20 minutes I was going in and freshening up my makeup, which wasn’t the case at all, but it was embarrassing.” Kathy’s symptoms were not only disruptive during her day, but also affected her at night as she experienced recurring leakage.
How the Axonics System Has Transformed Kathy’s Life:
Consulting with her doctor, Kathy learned about Axonics Sacral Neuromodulation (SNM) Therapy, an option to treat her OAB symptoms. “I thought, ‘Well, this could be a game-changer for me.'” With a small implantable device, the Axonics System offered Kathy a solution to improve her symptoms. “I have more freedom to come and go as I please.” With Axonics Therapy, the frequency of her symptoms has reduced. She no longer needs to wear pads and is no longer concerned with leaking accidents.

Jill V.
45 years old
“I am normal again!”
Jill, aged 45 years, married with 4 kids, started noticing OAB symptoms about 10 years ago. Having a family that is so active, her condition was impacting every part of her life.
Jill began suffering from OAB in her mid-30s and felt she was too young for this to be happening. Her symptoms included urinary urgency and urgency incontinence, where she would suddenly feel the urge to urinate and be unable to control her bladder, resulting in leaking accidents.
Being told her symptoms were a part of aging and a consequence of having children, she thought, “It was just something I was going to have to deal with.” Unfortunately, many patients believe that these urinary dysfunctions are normal with aging and are unaware of the full array of treatments available to them, so they simply live and cope with their symptoms, often resorting to wearing pads and diapers.
Living With OAB:
“One of my symptoms was urgency, so if I felt like I had to go to the bathroom I had to go right now, and I usually had about a 5- to 10-minute window. If I didn’t make it to the bathroom, then I would definitely leak.”
Due to her inability to control these frequent urges to urinate, Jill had to stop participating in many outdoor activities that she loved, like running, camping, and hiking. “We had to change everything that we did with camping. We would have to camp right next to the bathroom and if we couldn’t get to that camping site then I would say, ‘We’re not going to go.’” or she would opt to stay home alone instead.
After a couple of years, Jill knew she did not want to simply cope with her symptoms, so she began her search for other treatment options. Like many patients, Jill had tried both behavioral interventions as well as several medications, and although she did have some improvement in her symptoms, it was not significant enough to overcome the impact on quality of life. Living day-to-day needing to map out her day to avoid an accident… that simply was no longer an option for Jill.
How the Axonics System Has Transformed Jill’s Life:
Consulting with a specialist, Jill was presented with the Axonics System as a viable option to get her OAB symptoms under control. “When he showed me the size of it (the implant) and then some of the things that made it better than some of the other therapies that were out there… it really felt like a no-brainer to me.”
Now with Axonics Therapy, Jill’s symptoms have improved and she is able to get back to doing the activities she loves. “I’m living a normal life. I do what my friends do. I don’t have to rush anywhere. I don’t have to throw my purse down so I can run to the bathroom. It’s completely changed every aspect of my life from the time I wake up in the morning to the time I go to sleep at night.”

Donna H.
71 years old
“The surgery was so easy with no pain or discomfort. I wish I would have done it 10 years ago because now I have my life back.”
At the age of 71, Donna had been experiencing symptoms of overactive bladder for a few years. Having 6 grandchildren and 2 great-grandchildren, Donna finds joy in being part of their lives, but her OAB symptoms limited her ability to be present at important events (sports or school programs). With Axonics Therapy, Donna was able to get her symptoms under control.
Donna first started experiencing symptoms at the age of 67. Having undergone different treatments (bladder surgery and medications), Donna still continued to suffer from symptoms of OAB. Being a devoted grandparent, Donna loved being part of her six grandchildrens’ and two great-grandchildrens’ lives, but unfortunately her symptoms had become a barrier.
Living With OAB
Donna experienced constant leakage and frequent urination. “I was wearing heavy-duty, thick sanitary pads for the last 4 to 5 years.” Carrying extra pairs of underwear and pads in her purse was common practice for Donna, just one of the many coping mechanisms she had to adopt living with OAB. The constant leakage can take an emotional toll on a person, whether it’s a growing fear of not having an accessible bathroom, risking an accident to occur in public, or by limiting one’s ability to simply go out. “I missed football games. I missed basketball games and some school programs because I was afraid I would overflow.” Being unable to go out and missing important events, like her grandson’s college football games, really affected Donna.
Consulting with her doctor, Donna tried taking medications but did not have any improvement in her symptoms. “After I stopped taking medications, I just lived with the idea that my life would be like this. I would have to wear pads constantly and worry.” Luckily, Donna was persistent and consulted with a specialist, who presented her with SNM therapy as an option to treat her OAB symptoms.
How Axonics Therapy Has Transformed Donna’s Life:
Donna’s next step in starting Axonics SNM Therapy was to schedule the implant procedure. “It was such a simple procedure. I can’t believe how easy it was.” As Axonics Therapy worked towards normalizing bladder activity, Donna began noticing symptom improvement. “I noticed improvement right away. I was nervous about it and I did wear pads for a week. Then I just said, ‘Well, I don’t need these.’” With Axonics SNM Therapy, Donna is completely dry and no longer worries about leaking. “It’s been a miracle!”
Donna is now able to cherish her moments with her grandchildren, whether it be cuddling and taking an afternoon nap with her great-granddaughter or taking her to the public swimming pool. With Axonics Therapy, Donna found the right treatment option to get her OAB symptoms under control. “I was hoping to not wear those pads for the rest of my life, and not worry when I’m out in public. I can travel now and there’s no concern. That’s what I was hoping for.”

Bernadette M.
43 years old
“I am happy I went on this journey because now I’m in control.”
Bernadette, married for 11 years and a dedicated mother of 3 children, had been suffering from OAB for 10 years. Having seen several physicians and attempted different treatment options with no improvements, she said to her husband, “I feel like I have no control over this and I’m so young. I feel like no one’s helped me out.” This dysfunction was reducing her quality of life until she learned about Axonics Therapy.
Bernadette began experiencing OAB symptoms in her 30s. Being so young, she refrained from speaking to a doctor about it for 3 to 4 years as she struggled with urinary frequency. “I just always felt uncomfortable going to a doctor because I thought, ‘Well, I’m awfully young, should I be having these symptoms?’” After a few years of attempting to modify her behavior (for example, eliminating certain types of beverages she consumed and decreasing the quantity of fluid intake) with no improvement, she began feeling she had no control as her condition progressed and interfered with her daily life.
Living with OAB
As a dedicated mother involved in her children’s activities, Bernadette’s day consisted of trying to limit/control her fluid intake, choosing to only wear dark-colored clothes in order to conceal any accidents she might have, locating and staying near restrooms, and packing an extra change of clothes and pads. “I was having extreme amounts of frequency. I was having accidents. My kids all knew, when Mom needed to go to the restroom, there was no ifs, ands, or buts… I was pretty miserable.”
Finally, Jill was ready to address her symptoms and consulted with her doctor. She first attempted pelvic muscle exercises and then medications, but neither provided adequate improvement in her symptoms. Bernadette decided to consult with a specialist who presented her with different treatment options, including Axonics Therapy.
How Axonics Therapy Has Transformed Bernadette’s Life:
“At that point, I felt it would be a great thing to try the stimulator. It was small. The surgery was minor. It was same day. I thought, ‘Well, if this can be more of a permanent solution, not just something that I have to come in for every few months or a medication that I have to take for the rest of my life, this will be a great thing to do.’” After the implant, Bernadette responded well to therapy. “It was great to just have the ability to have the control. It’s life changing.”
Bernadette can now do the things that make her happy, enjoying long walks with her dogs, social outings with friends, and taking family trips; all with the confidence of knowing she has control and no longer worries about urgency symptoms or having any accidents.

Donna D.
60 years old
“I feel like I’ve been liberated. It really is freedom and that’s not just a tagline, it’s the truth.”
It had been 10 years since Donna began experiencing problems with leaking, a problem that led her to avoid going out in public due to the fear of having an accident. With Axonics Therapy, Donna found her answer to being free of this condition and enjoying her life again.
Suffering from symptoms of OAB for 10 years, Donna felt her condition was consuming her life. “My social life consisted of going to doctor’s appointments. I didn’t want to go out in public because I was always afraid I was going to have an accident.” OAB symptoms, as Donna was experiencing, can affect a patient’s quality of life as well as their emotional state due to their inability to control these urges to urinate. “Having incontinence not only affects your body, it affects your mental status too.”
Living With OAB
To cope with the frequent urges to urinate, Donna would request the table closest to the restroom when out for dinner, limit appearances at social gatherings and wear pads or diapers on a daily basis. “I never knew when I was going to stand up and everything was going to fall out because that’s basically what happened.” Her condition was disruptive to her daily life and resulted in Donna having to resign from her job. Donna used to work in hospitality and her frequent urges prevented her from being available to meet the demands of her position. “You can’t professionally do a job with those kinds of symptoms.”
How Axonics Therapy Has Transformed Donna’s Life:
Donna had gone through the patient care pathway, trialing different treatment options for the treating her OAB symptoms. “I did pelvic floor exercises. I did biofeedback. I tried oral medication and they didn’t seem to work.” Searching for another treatment option, Donna consulted with various doctors until she was introduced to Axonics SNM Therapy.
After starting therapy, Donna stated, “I can do everything now. I can get on the floor with my grandchildren. I can go to the zoo.” As Axonics Therapy worked continuously to provide Donna with therapy to normalize bladder activity, she was well on her way to symptom improvement. Donna reported at her 3-month checkup that she was no longer wearing pads. “I’m a completely changed person. I can enjoy my life now.”
Hear From the Experts

Rebecca McCrery, MD, FPMRS
Regain control of your life.
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1. Pezzella A, McCrery R, Lane F, et al. Two-year outcomes of the ARTISAN-SNM study for the treatment of urinary urgency incontinence using the Axonics rechargeable sacral neuromodulation system. Neurourol Urodyn. 2021;40(2):714-721. doi:10.1002/nau.24615
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