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Bladder Training for Overactive Bladder

When treating OAB symptoms, doctors start with conservative treatments that target patients’ lifestyles before trying medications or advanced therapies. One common behavioral therapy for OAB – especially incontinence – is bladder training. This technique is designed to help patients gradually “re-train” their bladders to hold urine for longer and longer periods of time before emptying […]

Sacral Nerve Stimulation Treatment Overview

Sacral Nerve Stimulation, also known as Sacral Neuromodulation, is a therapy used to treat bladder and bowel problems. In this article, learn about the sacral nerves, their role in bladder and bowel function, and how electrical stimulation of these nerves can reduce symptoms of overactive bladder (OAB) and fecal incontinence (FI).

Risk Factors for Urinary Incontinence

Having a healthy bladder means that your brain and the nerves and muscles around your bladder work together properly. Usually, your brain tells these muscles to release urine when your bladder is full. But sometimes, this communication between your brain and bladder doesn’t work right. This can happen if the nerves or muscles in your […]

Woman with doctor

How to Manage an Overactive Bladder

Overactive bladder (OAB) is a chronic condition affecting approximately 50 million American adults1,2, with a higher incidence in women than men. It is typically characterized by frequent and sudden urges to urinate, even if the bladder is not full. The condition can affect a patient’s sleep quality and daily functioning. Though frequent urination or incontinence […]

Normal bladder vs overactive bladder

What are the signs and symptoms of overactive bladder?

Do you find yourself going to the restroom frequently throughout the day or waking up multiple times a night to urinate? Do you experience sudden urges to urinate, sometimes accompanied by episodes of urine leakage? If your answer to either of these questions is yes, you may be suffering from overactive bladder (OAB). But don’t worry […]